Wheels In Circles

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Rhyme Now and See Them Grow
Many rhymes have been written, but few have reached the hearts of the children and the parents. A great example of a good rhyme that has lived for a long time Is “The Wheels on the bus”. This rhyme has impacted many children’s emotions and brought enjoyment to their hearts. So, we can say clearly that this rhyme deserves a good look as it has the power to make a human grow into a more successful adult.

History of the Rhyme

The rhyme was brought to light as early as 1939 by Verna Hills and credit has been given to Joe Shapiro and Lou Stallman around 1956 as the writers. Regardless of where the credit went Perry Como brought It to life In January 15,1957 with instruments making it a hit for two weeks in the Billboards. One thing can be said about this worldwide sensation of a rhyme, It was created to touch the heart of a child. For the song to be sang with a nurturing tone and make the pain of life itself be lessened.

From Rhyme to Growth

So, what are the benefits of singing this uplifting rhyme? Emotional growth In the brain. From the time the child becomes an older adult he will remember the past. His emotions will be struck by the memories of a loving parent singing. In response to this warm action he will most likely want to correspond his love back to his parents or guardians causing joyful memories that can be carried to the next generation.

From Rhyme to Unity

Yes, you heard it right. The song can even make a child feel like they are not alone and are part of a social circle. It brings kids from all races and backgrounds to come together and learn to interact with each other and solve problems. The cells of the body start jumping for joy and suddenly a kid finds himself participating and sharing his feelings and emotions In public settings. Yes, your child will start public speaking like he Is the president and a C.E.O! He will feel united and will reunite people.

From timid Johny to Explorer

Johny was a timid kid from Los Angeles that was timid because he had never interacted with another human being except his parents. He was shy to solve a problem on the class board, to raise his hand and even voice his opinions respectfully. One day a teacher played the rhyme “Wheels on the bus”. As one kid began to sing, the other began. Eventually Johny got infected by this joyful event and began to sing. As the days went by timid Johny became the class and school sensation. Sing to your children with nurture and play wheels on the bus. Not only will he be singing it, but he will also be turning the wheels of his life towards success.