Magic with Numbers

The magic number song has been around for a very long time, it is a great educational song for young children. They have thrown a very catchy beat to make this song even more appealing to children. You can find a list of kids songs online,
Kids songs have a great lesson.

The Magic Number Song has a great education behind it. By learning to count to a catchy beat and fun lyrics this is a learning experience your child will not forget anytime soon. It has been proven by many different studies that are brains tend to memorize things better when they are in a song, rhyming or have a catchy beat. So by combining all of those things into this song, it is sure to teach your child how to count.

The different verses

The fists verse starts out saying one, two buckle my shoe. A classic saying that I am sure you have heard of. This is a saying that literally has traveled the world, and is in many different cultures. With the first verse children can pretend to buckle their shoe, by using body action counting will be easily memorized. The second verse goes three, four open the door. In this verse children can pretend to open an imaginary door. The third verse goes five, six pick up sticks. Children can get into the action and pretend to be gathering sticks. The next verse goes seven, eight, lay them straight, where children can then pretend to lay the sticks in a straight line. The last verse of the song goes nine, ten begin again. At this time children can throw their hands up in the air and shout it out. Of course in the last verse, it says to begin again of course children think this is so funny and love to begin again. Repetition is also a great learning device for everyone.

Young Minds

When teaching your child learning lessons like counting, singing, dancing, writing, alphabet, science, math or reading a great tool to have is repetition. It is a proven fact that by repetition we learn. Practicing something over and over again makes the brain remember how doing something. Think back to your childhood and see what you remember, I am guessing many nursery rhymes will come to mind. That is pique you probably heard them over and over again. With their catching tunes and rhyming it makes them stick in your memory for a long time, some people have even reported remembering rhymes from when they were two years old. Young minds are like sponges, they soak up all they can and retain in their brains. So if we can put lots of great masses, rhymes, beats and education in their at an early age, they will have a better outcome later in life for remembering and being able to pass it on.