Going on the Bus with Kids

As parents, we all know that riding in a car, van, or bus with the children. This can be a very stressful and difficult time for children and parents alike. While it is always unpredictable, which way your trip will go you know that being prepared is always going to be a good thing.

A fun song that is called the wheels on the bus is a fun and interactive way to get yourself ready for a trip with the kids. Children can also benefit from this song because they will know what to expect and how they can behave on the bus. They will also get some good ideas of what they can do to make the trip more successful for everyone. They can sing the wheels go round and round, they can sing about the wipers, the bus driver or even the other passengers on the bus.

Prepare for your trip by singing this song with your children. At that time make sure everyone knows how fun this trip can be. If you are preparing for a long trip with young children this is especially good to help in aiding in that endeavor. This song is fun and catching with lots of repetition and rhyming. Both repetition and rhyming have been proven to be a great resource in the education of young minds. Children often love rhyming and can remember things better with a rhyme or a song. Repetition helps young and old minds alike remember the important things they need to know. In the song, it has many lyrics that talk about what to expect and how many fun things there are to do on a bus if you just know where to find them. This is a very catching tune and it really sticks in your head. While singing this song your young children can make hand motions that will keep them in their seats, but also let them be active at the same time. You can of course make up your own motions to the lyrics you are singing and anything goes. It is a great song on a trip, but it is also a great song to sing anywhere and everywhere. You will hear this song in most preschools and daycares. Children associate with this song so much because they love motion and there is something for everyone in this song. Fun and interactive always make for a great time with children. Its reputation makes it easy for everyone to sing so no one will feel like they do not know the words. Many children have fears about riding on the bus, by singing this song with them before you go on your trip you can definitely save yourself on anxiety for your small children. There are many versions of this song and you can even make up your own lyrics to match your situation. However is you want wheels on the bus original lyrics you can look online and find them just about anywhere.