Johny Johny Yes Daddy

The children rhyme song johny johny yes papa was made in July 2009. The song was made about a young boy being caught by his papa eating sugar cubes. The songs has the Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star playing in the background. It has over 2 million views for the first six years. They wanted to make it like the Family Guy characters. In January of 2015 the video went 3D and more realistic for children to watch. The first line of the song johny johny yes papa reminds of a child wanting a snack for the day and the only thing he can reach is the sugar bowl. In second verse the child is asked by the father “Eating Sugar”, and the child says “No Papa”. When a child is in to something they are puzzled and stands still for a minute and then move their eyes to one side and act like they haven’t been into anything.

Then the father say “Telling a lie”, and the child said again “No Papa”. Once the father walks into the kitchen the child open his mouth. The child said “Ha! Ha! Ha!”. You can see the child only had one sugar cube and being caught in the act like something is a funny or they have been caught. When a child has eaten something sweet like sugar they will be up all night.

The song has been redone in a couple of ways on YouTube. It can be animated in several ways for a child to see. They have a baby boy to a older boy who is being caught in the sugar bowl. I love this rhyme songs because it reminds me of my nephew who had put koolid in the sugar bowl. I ask him “What are you doing in there?”. He would tell me “I am not doing nothing auntie”. It makes me laugh because when I first heard the song about 10 months ago it reminds me of my nephew and niece.

The song on YouTube made a lot of views because the younger generation is using it to go by. In the background Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star is a number song when it comes for a baby falling asleep. The song is a number one hit for the younger generation. It brings out the baby in everybody and that is what I like about the song. Many rhyme are now just like the song by adding animation to the song. Each child around the world has enjoyed this rhyme song because they are either want to learn the song or doing exactly what the song is saying.

The song is just like poetry, you can explain each line to what the child would like to say or do. They can sing with the words or mark the young boy in the video. When changing the different animation of the song it can make every child seem to learn more about the way they should act when getting caught in the sugar bowl.