Johnny Lies to Papa

Johny johny yes papa
The nursery rhyme, Johny Johny yes papa is a very popular song children learn at a very young age. This song is popular in schools and homes all around the world. The song is very short and very easy to learn. This is why, it is very popular amongst toddlers and younger children. The moral of this nursery rhyme is basically, do not lie. It is bad enough that the world is filled with many dishonest people, this rhyme is made to educate children at a very young age that lying is bad. Through the younger years of education, such as daycares and preschools, many teachers are using this song to build an honest child, and teach them basic morals.

About Johny, Johny, Yes Papa
This nursery rhyme is about a little boy and his father. The boy is young in years, and he decides to eat sugar. The father then asks the boy, if he is eating sugar, but the boy says no. The father then asks his son, if he is lying to him, which then the boy answers with no again. At the end of the rhyme, the father tells the boy to open his mouth, and when he does open his mouth, the boy laughs ha ha ha.

Meaning of Johny, Johny, Yes Papa
The basic meaning, of this story is simply do not lie. Johnny’s father asked him twice if he was eating sugar and the boy lied twice. The boy lies once in the beginning, and then lied again when asked if he was lying. Not until the father asks the boy to open his mouth, he knows that he got caught and simply laughed it off. This rhyme teaches children no matter what they will get caught if lying. The evidence will prove them wrong and they will get caught red handed. In this case, the boy got caught from the evidence of the sugar on his tongue, when his father tells him to open his mouth. Another thing, is that the boy could be laughing due to embarrassment. The laugh could be a nervous laugh, because the boy got caught and felt embarrassed.

Facts about Johny, Johny, Yes Papa
This is one of the nursery rhymes, that has no behind meaning to it. It is not considered one if those nursery rhymes that have a historical meaning behind them. This nursery rhyme is simply short, sweet, and to the point. This is one of those songs that lyrics are not really changed throughout the world because of how short it is. This song has no publisher, writer, or date that it is was written on file. All of these and the origin are unknown. This nursery rhyme could have been around for a long time and it still will be considering, it is an all time favorite for youngsters with a meaning behind it, to teach social manners and not to lie.