Playtime with Kids

As a parent are you looking for different techniques to interact with your child.? Did you know that nursery rhymes have been proven to improve your children speech development, language, auditory skills, and many more skills. Over the years nursery rhymes and songs have played an extremely very important roll when it comes to benefiting children learning skills between the ages of newborn to 5 years old.

Lately most nursery rhymes have become are part of an online series of activities for educational purposes specifically designed for babies to preschoolers featuring characters, rhymes, coloring pages, songs, music, etc. However parents are take cares are the ones that need to get children introduced to the world of books, songs and rhymes, if that doesn’t happen then children aren’t going to necessarily benefit from many things. Nowadays its sad but so many kids spend so much time with electronics that they aren’t getting this type of hands on learning which is extremely beneficial for them. However if children simply attend things preschool, day cares, mommy and me, story time in libraries, etc. Then they get introduced into this amazing world that encourages a healthy type of learning.

This healthy learning has so many popular songs including the famous american rhyme of “Playtime with Kids” which was written in the 1900 with the sole purpose of making sure kids had confidence interacting with other children while playing outside using things like creativity and imagination. This popular rhyme has the ability to teach children how to write just by using the rhyming words together and repeating the rhyme over and over again. On the other hand when it comes to smaller children, rhymes and songs have a huge potential to develop their finger play, as well as developing any eye coordination, and improve tremendously their motor skills and gross skills as well.

Most preschoolers especially the 4 and 5 years when they see something they love to play pretend. Pretend is a wonderful play time activity for their development, creativity imagination, and even problem solving. As they hear the rhyme of Playtime with Kids, most preschoolers will want to play and pretend along with the rhyme. By doing this type of activity children explore different interests or passions, they get a different type of opportunity and time to play, they interact with others, as well as be more willing when it comes to doing other types of activities.

Overall when it comes to teaching children anything from motor skills, to writing, the main important thing is how the parent or care taker begins the learning process. For children who attend goes day care or a preschool, this rhyme is used already by most teachers and children become willing to learn in this environment because there are other kids, and etc. However for stay at home moms we do encourage for any online series of activities to be used so like this rhyme and many others can become incredibly helpful as children learn and explore.