Benefit of Playing Outdoors for Kids


Ah, the great outdoors. Some like it, some hate it, and some tolerate it as long as they are able to do so. No matter what, playing is what kids do. It’s part of their job description to be able to play outside.

More Than One
There is more than one benefit for children to play outside. They need that interaction, both with other children and adults as well. Children need to learn to play and ask questions as well. It’s part of their development to do so. Children need vitamin D which you can get a vitamin, but also from the sun. It’s possible to get too little Vitamin D as well.

Children need to protect their health, and parents may not think it is necessarily protected when they go outside. However, the more they play the more they learn, and the more germs their immune system will learn to fight as well. This prevents them getting sick later on in life. Children also get exercise and get to use their bodies in ways they can’t inside.

Children have another need as well: the power to imagine. Playing outside is a good thing for this. They can imagine they are firefighters, or ballerinas, or anything else. Am imagination is a very good thing for kids to have. It’s how we got our greatest inventions; imagination had to be a big part of that. Who could have imagined that we would have lightbulbs, or computers, or pocket phones? Nobody and that was all thanks to the power to imagine things like that.

Children have a natural curiosity that needs to be nurtured. This is done in a lot of different ways, like playing, jumping and skipping. It’s also about drawing things that no one has ever even seen and doing things that no one would ever think of. It’s great for little children, especially ones that are newborn to five years old to let them get creative and come up with ideas and things they want to make or create.

Children who play outside can have a myriad of benefits; inside the classroom and out. One of the many benefits is that they are less fidgety when they are allowed to run around and play. They can pay attention and learn better with frequent breaks, allowing them to move around if they need to. Children are creative and bright. We must nurture them in doing so. If they want to color a monster red, let them. Maybe that’s what monsters look like to them. It is good for them to express themselves, as anyone with a toddler or a preschooler can tell you. They get pretty expressive at that age. Children who are expressive do well in school and in life.