Category «Nursery Rhymes»

Songs with a Parent for Kids

Songs with a Parent for Kids

Music that you use in your classroom that feature parents will help your students learn. Your students learn well through music because they enjoy listening to songs and having something to participate in. They will continue to sing with you because they enjoy listening to music every day. Music is a large part of their …

Nursery Rhymes with a King

Nursery Rhymes with a King

Nursery rhymes are a great way for helping kids who are in the stages of developing language and rhythm. Young children will begin to notice enjoyment from the sweet melody of common nursery rhymes as they sing along, dance, and interact with other children. This is one of the best ways to help teach children …

Child Growth and Mindset

Child Growth and Mindset

The child growth and development and mindset that you see in your students is quite easy to gauge if you are using music and rhymes to teach them. The kids will come to your class hoping to learn through music, and you will judge what they have done based on how far along they get. …

Exploring the Alphabet

Exploring the Alphabet

You may use abc rhymes to help your kids learn quite a lot about spelling and writing, and they will study the alphabet much faster once you employ music. You will notice that the children in your class will pick up on these things faster as you allow music to show them the way. Your …

On the way to School

About The wheels on the Bus Nursery Rhymes

The wheels on the bus is just one of the songs that you may use when you are teaching the children about the process of coming to school. Activity on the bus is tracked in this song, and you may use these songs many times over because they will help you show the children how …

Rhymes 4 Kids

Rhymes 4 Kids

Nursery rhymes that you are using in class are something that all the kids in your class will enjoy. The song that you teach the children will help you have a better time explaining to the children how you will give them a better understanding of reading. The reading that you do in your class …

Teach Kids to Count with Rhymes

Teach Kids to Count with Rhymes

If you have a child, it is very important to teach them about numbers. Counting is an integral part of learning. Starting now could give them an edge before they reach pre-kindergarten. There are nursery rhymes that can help your kids grasp the concept of math easily. Five Little Monkeys The song “Five Little Monkeys” …

Kids’ Songs about Farms

Kids' Songs about Farms

If you are a parent that lives in the city, it is good to teach your kids all about the farm. What better way to do this then in a song. There are a few notable songs about the farm. They are each written in their own way. “B-I-N-G-O”, ” Farmer in the Dell”, and …

Songs about Weather for Kids

Songs about Weather for Kids

When it comes to nursery rhymes, studies have shown that there are many benefits of young children learning them. Singing nursery rhymes with your child will help establish a stronger bond between you and the child. There are also various learning and skill developments of the child when he/she is singing and participating in nursery …

Rhymes and Songs about Family

Rhymes and Songs about Family

Have you ever considered how many positive impacts a nursery rhyme can make when it comes to unifying a family and really solidifying the meaning of a family, for a child? Well in this article we’ll cover that and even provide great examples of a nursery rhyme you can show your child in order to …