Exploring the Alphabet


You may use abc rhymes to help your kids learn quite a lot about spelling and writing, and they will study the alphabet much faster once you employ music. You will notice that the children in your class will pick up on these things faster as you allow music to show them the way. Your children will be quite happy to sing along, and they will use the rhymes because they need something that they can latch onto. If you have a number of things that you wish to teach, and you will be quite happy to see their eyes light up when you use these songs.

#1: What Are These Rhymes

The ABC song has been set up to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle, and you will have the children sing this song because you want them to pair them up in their minds. They will have a much better understanding of the rhymes much faster, and they will show you this understanding when they sing it back to you. You will find that you may use the song every day, and you may give them some help that is needed so that you do not have any trouble working out what must be done with your class in the future.

#2: The Lessons

You will have lessons that you have set up for your class that will be much easier to understand once you have put these songs in them. You may have some trouble with this, and you will find that you may simply use the lessons to further their understanding of the way that the words will be used when you are making rhymes. The rhymes will help the children learn how these particular things have been written, and you may then ask them to write something themselves.

#3: What Is The Purpose Of This Training?

The training that you are doing will help your students write something new every day, and they will have many chances to use that training as they read and study literature. The reading that they do becomes easier when they pick out rhymes that you have taught them, and they will notice how certain authors use rhymes more than others. They will use their understanding of letters to do things that will make them better at reading, and they will understand how to do this so that they will sound as if they have been trained properly.

#4: How Do You Start?

You will be quite happy with the way that your children provide you with results, and you will notice that you have a number of happy times in your class where they children are repeating back to you what they have learned. They will show you that rhyming is actually quite easy, and they will teach you how to use these songs in your classes that much better the next year. You will continue to make their training easier as you use music every time that you start a new lesson.