Greeting for Friends

Learning through song

As adults, often times it is difficult for us to understand just how easily children learn by singing a song. At an such a young age, children are simply wired differently than adults in how they absorb music. Children learn though music! Being aware of this, is crucial in understanding just how much deep, significant, learning can take place in young pre-school age children. Children at this age, can learn more from a short song, than a well thought out lecture or lesson. An array of topics and content can be taught via song or rhyme. While adults may simply “listen” to music as a way to relax or unwind, children regard music as a fun time filled with “learn and play.”

Teaching Manners Through Song

Trying to explain to a toddler, the concept that it’s rude NOT to say hello to your friends, can be a difficult conversation to have. At such a young age, trying to convey the importance of manners is difficult at best! Their young minds don’t place importance on manners in the same fashion that adults do. Toddlers have more important things on their young minds; like having fun! However, teaching concepts related to manners does not need to difficult. In fact, there is an easy method for teaching almost any subject to young children…teach them through a song! A general rule of thumb for teaching anything to young children; if they are jumping clapping, dancing or singing; chances are they will learn. One particular concept of manners that is important for children to learn is the idea of greeting friends on a daily basis. There are a variety of reason why this is an important concept to teach, more than you would realize actually. The obvious reasons are, teaching manners is a social concept that children must learn as adults, but as well, teaching manners forces children to interact with others, making for a more inviting learning environment. It just so happens there is a perfect song to teach this concept to school age children.

Greeting for Friends Song

The song, “Greeting for friends,” can be found in a couple of variations, but they all teach the same concept; say good morning or hello to your friends everyday at school. For the most part, every version of this song involves the repeated phrase, “hello hello hello.” That is a key indicator for identifying the song. In some parts of the world, this song is also referred to by the title of the, “hello song.” Regardless of the name, they all teach the same concept of good manners. This particular rhyme song is categorized as a “call and response” song, where in which the adult or teacher says something first, then the children respond. This song can most easily be found and access online. It would be of good use for the adult to first listen to the song and learn it before playing it for children.