When seeking out the answer to the question What is a Halloween Mystery Box for Kids, you first need to know a few facts about how this creative and fun attraction at Halloween parties came to be. The trend actually started a few years back as a cute way for parents to ensure their kids safety and soon it became a YouTube sensation that now has spread and become a must have at Halloween parties. Now that the question as to the origins of a Halloween mystery box has been answered, it is time to move on to the next item as to the things that are generally found in the mystery box?
Decorating Ideas
Before you get to the point of putting things in the box, you will want to make sure that you take some time to decorate the box in a way that is fun and festive. Some ideas that you can use for this is using holiday wrapping paper or if you can find it at a dollar store, use some Halloween paper to give the box a decorative appearance. If you want, you can use paint to decorate the box. One idea is to use glow in the dark paint to give the box a eerie appearance to the box and as a result the children will absolutely love this.
Things to place in the Box
Now comes the fun part of the whole process, time to put things in the box. This is where you can get creative and put things in the box and make the youngsters guess what is in each box. Some parents will put on the outside of the box as to what is in each box. So here are a few ideas as to what you can place in your boxes to give the children something to guess at as to what’s in the box.
Brains: This can be cooked spaghetti, or cooked cauliflower heads many parents like the cauliflower idea as they feel a lot like brains and as a result children will get a kick out of this.
Dead Hand: This can be created very easily by taking a rubber glove and filling it with flour. The result will give the impression of a real dead hand and children will love this in the box.
Dead Skin: If you have old banana peels, then you can use this in the box to represent the sensation of touching dead skin. This along with using smashed boiled egg whites will allow you to make the younger ones think that they are touching dead skin.
It is important that when you make your mystery boxes, that you take safety into consideration and don,t put things in the box that could hurt a child if they stuck their hand in there, the point is to give them a scare not hurt them. Also make sure that the boxes are low enough so that children don’t have to reach up in order to stick their hand in the box.