The History Of A Ram Sam Sam

A Ram Sam Sam begin life in Morocco where it was a game for children, but it had a different name than what you may know it by today. This is a fantastic game that you may play with the children, or you may use the motions as part of singing the song. The origin and adaptations of the song are quite exciting because this was not an English nursery rhyme. This is a desert nursery rhyme that children played with when it was called Aram Zam Zam.

#1: Aram Zam Zam

Aram Zam Zam is the way that we knew about the nursery when it began long ago. Little boys and girls in Morocco were all asked to perform their own motion or action, and they make up a whole song of actions that the children may learn at any time. You will give the children the opportunity to learn quite a lot about themselves and their class, and you will come across children who are very good at each motion or action.

#2: The Actions

There is a child who will alternate their fists hitting the ground, and there are children who will pull their hands apart. There is also a child who will spin their fingers around their head like they are saying that someone is out of their mind. These three actions are associated with different parts of the song, and the motions may be done in a canon style if you wish to teach your children the style of the canon. They may learn how to do different part sof the song at different times, and they will learn how to keep their part while others perform.

#3: The Versions

There have been many versions over the years that have been done by rock groups and children’s music groups. You may watch the videos online, and you will find that the song is fun to watch if you wish to let your children watch. You may watch a toddler group from the Middle East do the same, and you will find that the versions all have their own feel.

#4: Who Has Changed The Song?

Performers have created things such as the Fast Food Song and Pizza Hut has used this lovely little song in their commercials. The words are quite easy to change, and classes will often change the words to suit the sorts of games that they prefer to play. The children of Morocco may have preferred the actions in the song, and you may create your own by surveying your class to ask them what they would prefer to do.

#5: How Long Does The Song Last?

The song may last only one verse if you wish to share it with your children for the first time, or you may choose to extend the song by going through the first three verses. You may add verses to the song, and you may extend it quite a bit until it lasts for a very long time.