Another popular belief is that name meant cannon used during the English Civil War. The cannons were very heavy and it took many men to move them. The rhyme is four lines and a very popular nursery rhyme used to teach children different skills.
Skills Learned From Nursery Rhymes
Children a few months to 5 years old learn many skills when read nursery rhymes or they repeat them. These skills help them with speech, reading, motor skills, and communication. Reading this nursery rhyme will teach children many different skills.
It will help children learn new words because they repeat the nursery rhyme over and over. Young children will transition more easily into talking and using words to express themselves. It gives the new words to express how they feel about the world. Nursery rhymes are often a child’s first experience with using words.
This rhyme helps develop motor skills when children repeat the rhyme and learn to move while saying it. They can be taught dance or hand and foot movements to go with the rhyme. It promotes physical exercise and learning how to move to a certain beat.
Ways to Use Nursery Rhymes
Using rhymes helps children learn the importance of order and sequence in reading. They learn what happens to Humpty, when repeating the rhyme in a certain sequence. The rhyme can be read in a different order to teach children how to sequence. This rhyme can be used to explore the topic of safety with children too.
When adults read the rhyme, each word can be discussed. Children learn new words and their meaning. A lesson plan on safety can be created around Humpty’s fall. This teaches about emotions and feeling. How did Humpty feel after his fall? Perhaps, Humpty felt clumsy or embarrassed.
There are different version of “Humpty Dumpty”. Reading the different versions, and working with the words introduces a variety of words to young children. The rhyme uses the word egg. Children can learn about the egg and perform simple science experiments using eggs.
Show a video on how eggs develop and hatch. Let the children draw their version of what happens. Another idea is to read a book about eggs. Where do eggs come from and what develops inside? Books for preschool kids about eggs are “The Egg Is Quiet” by Diana Hutts Aston, “See How They Grow Chick” by DK Publishing, and “Guess What’s Growing Inside the Egg” by Mia Posada.
After reading the book, write some words on the smart board and discuss the concepts. Discuss the history of the nursery rhyme and where it came from. Using nursery rhymes for children 0-5 teaches many different skills and gives adults a chance to plan creative lesson.