Johnny Johnny Telling Lies?


The johnny johnny song has a unique theme and lesson for your kids, and you must ensure that you are using it to help them learn quite a lot about the world around them. You have children in your class who have many life skills to learn, and they cannot learn something that will help them understand why they must be truthful at all times.

#1: Why Is Johnny Lying?

Johnny is lying throughout the song because he does not want his Papa to know what is going on, and this becomes a problem because Johnny gets caught at every turn. The children must be taught that they will get caught when they have told enough lies, and they will find that the song shows them time and again that the lying is not helpful for Johnny. If you have children in your class who tend to bend the truth, you may choose to use this song to teach them something that will be helpful to you. They will learn something that is quite helpful, and you may reference the song any time that you like.

#2: How Do You Teach Them About Lying?

The lying in the song happens in different situations, and you may begin speaking to the class about why Johnny’s lies are a bad idea, about why they are pointless, and why the class will not benefit from lying. You may tell your students stories about lies that you have told or heard in the past, and they will be quite happy with you because you have been honest with them about how you manage your own lifestyle.

#3: How May You Use Song Daily?

This may be a song that you share with the kids every day without first explaining it. They will learn quite a lot about the song after they have heard it many times, and they will not get it out of their heads. You may use the song every day to start your class, or you may use the song to end the day. The song must become an integral part of your class if you believe that it will be helpful to you.

#4: Use It In All Lessons

Using the song in all your lessons will help you ensure that you have a number of ways to show the children that lying will not help you. You will have a number of different ways to share this song with your kids because they will use the song when learning about history and writing. You may teach them about people who have not given proper results in a science test, and you may do the same when you have stories about people in history who told lies. You may use current events in the same way, and you will find that the lessons become more impactful because your children know the moral of the song when they hear it come on. You will teach them a good rule of life, and you may do this every day.