Kids Songs for Summertime

Kids Songs for Summertime

Summer is just around the corner and that is enough to make any parent or daycare administrator begin to shake in thier boots. Long days sent trying to keep toddlers and even the older children entertained while simultaneously keeing the grownup’s sanity intacted feels like a next to impossible feat. No matter what age the children you care for may be, one thong always seems to bring an excitable group together. Music. And what better music to bring in the summer but beach songs and songs about sunshine. Here is a short lost of kid friendly music that can help corral even the roudiest of groups into a working group.

*Circle Time Songs – when dealing with little ones who are just learning sentence structure, there are some excellent go-to choices that can be incorporated into thier daily routine.

*Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary. Singing a song about how a garden grows. What could possibly feel more like summer than that!

*A Tisket, A tasket – A wonderful, child friendly song, even the older ones will never know it was sung by jazz legend Ella Fitzgerald.

*Baby Bumble Bee – A song about a baby bumble bee will forever bring i mages of summer to any childs mind.

*ABC – The Jackson 5. While this song may have been sang by a 70’s pop group, it is a catchy song that even toddlers seem to love to jam out with.

If your group is a little older, a bit beyond the simple sounds of Mary Had A Little Lamb, there are some excellent choices to be had in more modern radio singles.

*Happy – Pherrell Williams. No matter what age, every child loves this hapy little jingle that seems to get stuck in everyone’s head.

*Here Comes the Sun -Jewel. Origionally a Beatles song, Jewel brought it back into the spot light when it was used on The Bee Movie sound track.

*Soak Up the Sun – Sheryl Crow. This song is the literal embodiment of summer. Rays of sunshine, soaking them up, makes the kids beg for a trip to the beach.

*walking on Sunshine – Katrina and the Waves. While this may be a love song for grownups, these beach songs for toddlers speak to kids about sunshine and the music is undeniably upbeat.

This is only a short list. With a little searching on Google, there are plenty more titles available. Just try to think of the children you are tryijg to cater to. And keep in mind that once the children find songs they like you will be forced to listen to them on repeat for the duration of the summer. Just a piece of advice. Try to find songs that won’tdrive you crazy too. Otherwise the three short months spent with the little ones can very quickly turn into what feels like an eternity of musical torture.