Making your own children’s toys at home can be an incredibly easy, yet very fun and effective way to connect with your child. It teaches them a number of things and stimulates their brain with the activities. Try out a few different types to see what your child gravitates towards and how it affects them.
Possible Toys
Play dough is of course a wonderful choice of a toy to learn to make. Rather than purchasing at the store, take an afternoon with them and use homemade things to create both memories and a good relationship with your child. Another thing to make is sock puppets. They are a popular choice because the child can decorate them with many personalities and really show their imaginative side. And lastly try a hula hoop. They are quick and can be an exercise activity as well as teaching time with them.
Where to find Instructions
There are a variety of ways to learn how to construct each object and complete all of the projects. Online help is available to watch videos; try a playdough video to see how others do it. Youtube houses countless options and channels, which all have their own ways. See which you prefer and what would best fit into you and your child’s day. Books or videos work for information too, and you can let your child watch and read with you if you’d like so they fully understand each step. There are also kids videos about cars, buses, etc., for instance Wheels on the Bus YouTube.
How to Do Them
To create play dough, mix just a few things like flour and salt, add warm water and desired food coloring, and knead until it is not sticky. Next, to construct sock puppets, take some socks and affix eyes (googly is a good choice), and some string bits for hair. The socks can of course be any color, which adds to the fun and possibilities. Draw on a smile with markers and put on an accessory to showcase a theme; voila, your puppet is ready to perform. You can go the extra step and act out plays for the rest of the family. When making hula hoops, you just have to have some tubing or flexible pipe out to work with. Measure and cut to desired length, heat it and connect the ends. Tape it for assurance and off they go.
Why Do It
Making your child’s things together is beneficial for a variety of reasons. It creates questions from them on people, objects, and deeper ones like why it is important to do these things. Have them look over a few possibilities with you to have them show what types of things they might lean towards when they get older.
So, it is certainly a good idea to do a few things at home as opposed to buying premade. It allows you to connect with your child rather than sit them down with a toy alone. Make some great products for your children with their help for a relaxed afternoon of time together.