Musical Honks on the Bus

When Verna Hills wrote Wheels on the Bus in 1939, she had no idea what would come next. The importance of public education wasn’t as common as it was now. Most of the rich and powerful countries back then were investing in education. They saw it as a way to compete with other countries when it comes to technology. Going to public school will give students higher chances of going to college. That will make more qualified scientists, engineers and doctors to create more practical technology for the company. The United States and other western countries have had their history with that.

Now the meaning of the song has changed over the past few decades. It’s just seen as a playful children’s song about singing on the bus. The message behind having ambitions and dreams has been forgotten to most people. Some people would say that time wasn’t a proud time for any country. But having a song that can appeal to everyone is a positive thing. It’s a rarity today when a popular song can appeal to all ages. The song has stood the test of time and will likely do so throughout the next generation.

When it comes to music, the song has had heavy influences. Mad Donna sang the song on a record in the early 2000s. That’s great because the singer that the parents of their child likely listened to her in her prime. Now their child get to listen to a friendly song that may also appeal to their children. The horn is also a worth talking about about. If someone were to watch the magic school bus they remember the horn that was played in the show. From day to day, the meaning and connotation between each honk can change. With adults, they can have different meanings depending on who it is.

If you get a honk from some one in the middle of traffic from a random person, it’s likely not a good sign. It’s telling you that you’re doing something wrong or that driver is being overly aggressive. If you get a honk from someone that you know, that can actually be a good thing. They might be trying to tell you something positive. It’s important to learn a lesson so that you know the difference between the two. But with music you can use almost any sound to make music.

What makes music good is the creativity and the intelligence to make sounds that are appealing. Horns are used all the time in Medieval shows and movies. The wheels on the bus song is a great song that teaches important lessons. One of those lessons is the importance of talking to people and making friends. On top of that, you have the added benefit of not worrying if the music will offend anybody. The music is also free. If you want to listen to it, you can search for, “school bus videos youtube” and listen to it along with some graphics.