This is an extremely classical nursery rhyme that has been well-known for years. Adults, young teens, and children alike will enjoy this melody. Although originally a riddle, it has been regarded as one of the best nursery rhymes in history that changed the way people in the 1700 looked at riddles.
The Story
This nursery rhyme begins with a young and spry egg that sat on a wall that overlooked the city without being unaware of the lengthy fall below him. Without realizing the wall was unsafe, the egg fell from the wall and cracked his shell. He was then aided by the kinsmen and nursed him back to health. When Humpty Dumpty was better again, he later returned to the wall without taking a plunge like before. There is no real message derived from the riddle, plenty people can take out their own meaning. Like for one: “No matter how many times you fall, just get back up again and keep going”.
Sing a Song of Sixpence
Unsure of its true origins, many people believe it was birthed in the early 18th century. A very charming nursery rhyme that will give those who sing it very brisk feeling of joy.
The Story
Sing a Song of Sixpence is a rhyme that encourages people to place birds inside of a baked pie. So when it is cut open, those birds can fly out and surprise guest. Many people interpret the nursery rhyme has encouraging people to actually cook live birds, for the lyrics almost hint towards. Although many people have taken the riddle as being an innocent way to surprise the person cutting the pie.
Good King Arthor
A very noble nursery rhyme that was published in 1872 that follows the history of the Dark Ages. King Arthor’s existence has not been proven, but people have been taking meanings and interpreting the very noble stories of his reigns. So popular that a nursery rhyme was made from his stories and shared for others with children. This rhyme has been noted as one of the most well-known in history.
The Story
A very short and sweet rhyme about a King, his Queen, and his Noblemen who sat around a round table and ate very ripe fruits and tasty foods. When they could not eat anymore, they would then share the leftover foods with the common people and villagers. Being a very noble king, he was remembered for his unselfishness and loved for years to come.