#1: Making Your Own Dough
All you need to make this dough is to use flour, salt, and warm water. This is a simple mixture that you must get just right because it needs to remain fairly solid, but it must be moist enough to ensure that you may shape it and use all the tools that are required with it. The dough will be made into a clump with just flour and salt, and the water will be used to bring the mixture together. You will find that the dough is easy to make, and you may begin to add food coloring to the mixture at any time.
#2: What Creations Can You Make?
Your family will fall in love with the idea of making the dough together, and you may begin to build things that will be exciting to look at. Your children will ask you if they can build skyscrapers and cars, and they will make houses and plays games all by themselves. Each of the things that your children build will be a source of pride for them, and you will find that you may build your own things to compare with that which your child has made. Your children will be excited by this, and they will continue to build because they have worked quite hard on their creations.
#3: How Do You Teach With It?
You may teach with the dough because it will be used to build all the things that you have been talking about in class. You want to ensure that your chidlren understand what it was that you were talking about, and you will find that they are ready to learn because they have built the things that you may have mentioned to them in class. You will see amazing presentations come from your class, and you will be pleased that you have created something that will help your chidlren learn more efficiently.
#4: Using The Colors For Art
You may teach the children how to mix paints by making this dough in class, and they will learn how colors are created. You may teach a number of units on colors, and you may teach lessons on things such as art history and architecture. They do not realize this is what you are doing, but they are learning very advanced concepts because you are using this dough in class. It will become your favorite thing to use.