Music that you use in your classroom that feature parents will help your students learn. Your students learn well through music because they enjoy listening to songs and having something to participate in. They will continue to sing with you because they enjoy listening to music every day. Music is a large part of their lives, and you will find that you may use music that features parents so that you will talk about family dynamics.
#1: Johnny Johnny Yes Papa
Johny Johny Yes Papa is a song that is all about the family dynamic in the house. The boy in the song is not doing as he is supposed to do, and his father must correct him. You may speak to your students about what they are doing in class, and they will learn a little bit about minding their parents. These songs are interesting because they explain why behavior is important, and you may use it as a role play for all the kids in the class.
#2: The Man From St. Ives
The Man From St. Ives does not explicitly feature a parent, but it features a many with many wives who may have some chidlren. This is quite an interesting song to use with the children because they will start to wonder if the man has any children with any of the wives that he has. You may fit math into the class lessons when you use this song, and you will notice that the song allows you to help the children learn more than one concept at a time.
#3: The Old Woman In The Shoe
The Old Woman In The Shoe is a lady who actually filled up her shoe with a life that did include her children. This is a fascinating song because you may teach your students about how people organize their homes. You may not have noticed that you may teach simple math through this song, and they will give you quite a good reason to explain how you would lay out a house or organize a family.
#4: Hansel And Gretel
You may use Hansen and Gretel in one of the many YouTube versions to ensure that the students learn about parental figures and who they can trust. This is an interesting song because it features children who are away from their parents. That may be quite odd to you because of how the song is put together, but it helps your children learn how they must take care of themselves. They will see the moral of the story is to be careful, and it is a very good lesson in safety to use in class. Each song that you use in class will give your students a simple way to learn about many different dynamics that are important in their daily lives. Your children will learn about how they may help their parents, and they will learn about proper behavior which much be used in the class every day.