Rhymes are a utility that helps schools, parents & maybe even adults sometimes. The current media is filled with videos to help a child learn how to do things such as bathe, count and identify colors all while presenting a rhyme that children love the whole way through so much that they forget that they are even learning. The most obvious example of this to me would be the “Wheels On The Bus” rhyme, the song not only features a classic rhyme that kids love the wheels on the bus rhyme actually gives kids an opportunity to really learn the general workings of a bus to help them get more familiarized with buses.
If you are based out of a home daycare or virtually anywhere that features internet and TVs then never fear, all your child’s favorite videos that kids are right there with you as long as you have Internet which offers sites as well as TV depending on the device your watching from and your cable provider are. If you have a television connected to cable be on the lookout for shows on children networks and in the early morning. The songs are exactly as you remember with a bit of word variation but not so much that you will actually notice. You may have to listen to some of these songs several times just to spot the differences in certain songs and even then you might not be sure if you just didn’t remember correctly or if they have always sounded like this. These are original tunes of joy that survived centuries that you might have just happened to forget some words as well. Either way, you’ll be singing these catchy rhymes in your head.
Today’s mass media market has a plethora of different characters it uses but you may see some more than others as a child may find these characters more normal or appealing than certain other characters also certain songs only feature certain characters, they have animals and humans as featured characters on these sites, videos and TV shows, and children love seeing them. From singing to learning rhymes and cartoons, these characters star in entertaining and insightful videos and rhymes to ensure your child has a brightest possible future by starting your child earlier learning new words phrases and actions you ensure that they have a good chance at future growth in their learning potential and as well as their motor skills which the site has many videos on. Parents and teachers alike are raving over new websites as ways of self-learning for kids. Kids in other countries are currently learning to speak languages from here and many other places thanks to these cartoons. Even now animators are trying to make the next big school bus videos youtube show, and it takes hard work and talent as well.