The Evolution of the Wheel

The invention of the wheel is one of the most important ones of humanity’s existence. It has created a world were people can transport themselves hundreds or thousands of miles away. Even flying transports like airplanes require wheels to get off the ground. Any place that you’re interested in, likely requires you to ride in a car or a bus. Sometimes there you take them for how you go throughout your day. This can be for your job or an organization that you work with. The history of the wheel and it’s influence on society would change everyone forever.

The school bus rhymes lyrics are some of the most important words that kids should listen to. When Verna Hills created the song in 1939, her inspiration and intentions that she had were very different from today. Back then, it wasn’t common for everybody to go to school. It is likely, that if you lived back then, you would know someone that was home schooled. If competing countries wanted to advance, they were going to need to go to school. This became a change in many western countries. The result was having many more children that would go to college.

Having a public service means that it is accessible to everyone. Regardless of their financial status, they can get a education. All of those subjects that they learn create great jobs that the students will eventually get. Over time, the message and the tone of the song has changed dramatically. It’s no longer a song about motivating children to get advanced jobs when they become adults. Now, it’s a song created for the purpose of having fun with others. A trip that could take them up to an hour in some circumstances, would decrease from close to 20 minutes.

The song’s message today is more about having fun with your friends rather than the education. Education is still very important to a person’s success and school is a huge part of that. The song is now more about socializing and learning from the kids that are older than you. In this period of time, it might be the only time when some of these people get to talk to each other. That time is important, establishing friendships with people that you can really trust. That can make the process of schoolwork really easy for some. It becomes less about learning the other person.

The thought becomes about how quickly projects can get done. The evolution the wheel receives is never ending. Even though you see hundreds of cars on the highway daily, engineers are thinking about more practical ways to make the wheels. Some of it is traction on the tires. Traction is created for the type of environment for the car. A traction for a wheel that drives in the snow will be very different from one in the summer. The wheel will never stop changing because there will be ways to improve. Just like how we can improve everything else.