The History Of Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed

The Five Little Monkey Jumping On The Bed is a folk song in the English language, but it also acts as a finger play that you may do with the children in your classes. The children who populate your classes want to know how this song came to be, and they will learn that they may sing a number of different versions of the song that you may not have heard before. You must complete your first Internet search for these songs, and you will find that the songs will give you may ways to sing with your classes.

#1: How Many Versions Are There?

The variations on The Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed is a fantastic way for you to cover a number of words in the English language. There are versions where the number of monkeys in the rhyme are changed, Three Little Monkeys Jumping on The Bed is one such variation. You may teach your children new words in the song every day, and they will learn many different ways that little monkeys jump on beds. The children will giggle when they hear the strange versions of the song you have chosen, and they will laugh at each new set of words.

#2: How Do The Versions Sound?

The song is so long that you may take your time teaching it to the children, and you will find that you may take the children through the song verse by verse and day by day. The five little monkeys are jumping, and one of them falls off the bed. You may ask your children why this monkey fell off the bed, and you may find many creative ways why this happened. You may do the same for all the other monkeys, and the song becomes more interactive for your children.

#3: The Monkeys In The Tree

The monkeys may be in the tree in another one of the variations, and your children may ask you why they are in the tree. Your children may enjoy swinging from trees, and you may take them outside to replay the song. It is quite a lot of fun to imagine the monkeys in the tree, and you will find that they are interested in drawing the monkeys in the tree and singing about this particular version of the song.

#4: No Monkeys

There is a tag or coda for this song that has the monkeys all off the bed. You may not have sung this song when you were little, but many people wish to add this part of the song because they believe that the song must conclude with all the monkeys falling off the bed. This is quite a lot of fun because you may ask your children how the monkeys may have stayed on the bed. You may talk about behavior, and you will talk with your children about the monkeys, their social dynamics, and how they behave at bedtime. You have covered a number of concepts in this song, and you will have a new crop of kids to share this song with every year when they enter your classroom.