The Wheels on the Bus Field Trip


Music is an important part of anyone’s life, including children. Children love movement, songs and things to do or see. Songs like Wheels on the Bus with repetition are good for kids that are still learning. How do songs help on a field trip?

Let’s face it; trips can be boring when children enter the preschool years. When children are in the car or going on a field trip, getting to the destination could be the longest part of the journey, creating boredom. Being bored isn’t the worst thing in the world, but it can be to a three-year-old. A song called The Wheels on nursery rhymes bus songs is a song that children love and that they learn that being in the car or a bus can be fun. It teaches quite a few lessons to children as well. Let’s explore a couple of those now.

Of course, everyone has to have fun, including children. This song can be an activity your child can share with friends. Your child’s friends will know this song as well, so that’s a plus since almost every child learns this song early on. I don’t know of a child that doesn’t know this song.

Some of the lessons the child learns by singing this are repetition, focus, and movement. There’s a lot that goes into a movement song than just the words. You have to know the words and do the movements right along the words you sing. So the first step is to learn the words, which can be tricky, but the song always has the phrase ‘the wheels on the bus’ and it is repeated several times. This helps you remember the title. It takes a little while to learn the words, but once you do, you can practice doing the movements until you learn it.

Young children tend to repeat things until they perfect a skill. This can take days, weeks or even months of practice. If the skill they are trying to perfect is saying one word the way it’s pronounced, good luck trying to get them to do something else. It’s very difficult because some kids are very focused on one thing and one thing only. It obviously is different for each child. If they repeat the words to the bus song then they will know it by heart and be able to sing it with other people they happen to meet. They then can focus on singing the song with others.

This song is great for anyone to sing with children. They can and do love this song. A song like this doesn’t always work with older children, but toddlers and preschoolers love it and will sing it. It is a great song for going on a trip in your own car. On quite a few children’s CDs, this is one of the most familiar songs most people know.