ABC Song for Language Development

School bus

A Melodious Start

Music is something we all start to appreciate from as early as the womb. Babies can recognize their mother’s voice as early as just a few weeks old. There is nothing quite like the look on a child’s face after he/she recites the ABC Song in full for the first time. Teachers and child psychologists agree that singing to your child is a great way to develop sound awareness skills that are so important for early readers. There are many resources and videos available for finding and incorporating fun new music into your child’s playtime, like the ABC Song YouTube and so many more.

ABC’s Teach Blossoming Phonics Skills When Taught Correctly

The ABC song educates small children to learn phonics skills that are necessary for teaching the sounds of the alphabet. It is important, when incorporating the use of the ABC’s, to remember that frequently a child will hear the song incorrectly. How many of us remember singing L-M-N-O? It sounds cute, but it should be gently corrected. At first it should be remembered that singing the ABCs sounds very much like a string of syllables. When practiced correctly a young child will develop knowledge of the alphabet that will be used later as an amazing resource for letter and sound comprehension.

The Correlation Between Music and Language

The wonderful thing about singing with children is, no reading is necessary to make beautiful music. Challenging a child’s mind with music really only takes repetition. Singing favorite songs over and over again together allows for awakening cognitive awareness in small children. Learning new songs and following songs increases our natural ability to process words and sounds. Repetition, rhythm, rhymes and sound patterns can be used early in an educational way to allow a young child to discover new ways to manipulate them. This leads to not only a spectacular learning lesson, but it is also fun!

Be Silly And Have Fun

Sing and make up a new dance move today to sway and clap to educational songs. Sing in different silly voices to your child, to bring on your baby or toddlers’ adorable giggles.

Rhythm is Good Physically for your Child’s Development Too

The more entertaining you make the rhythm, the longer it will hold your little ones’ attention. The more fun you make your early development activities, the more your child will interact with movements like jumping up and down and dancing with both feet and hands. This stimulation is proven to boost muscle development, as well as balance and strength.

Sing A Song To Relax And Bring On The Sandman

Doctors agree singing soothingly to your baby or young child is beneficial for soothing and relaxing. Drop your tone slightly for your child, and create a comfortable rhythmic pattern, and your child will respond accordingly. Remember, that your little one first heard and recognized your voice from before they were born and giving them a sense of home is something that only you can give them. And that is a beautiful feeling.