About Itsy Bitsy Spider Song

The “itsy bitsy spider video” was originally known as an adult song called “camp and camino in lower California” This rhyme later was changed as “Itsy Bitsy Spider” by the Western Folklore collection in 1947. It finally published as a nursery rhyme for children in 1948 in Mike and Peggy Seeger children’s song collection. Then later found in Maxwell Stewart’ book in 1955. This nursery rhyme has gained popularity throughout classroom in the United States and several other countries; it is used in many lesson plans for teaching and now has been sung by children for decades.
What Lesson It Teaches
This nursery rhyme is widely sung by pre-school students, this is an activity that is used in lesson plans throughout the United States, England and many other countries. While singing the rhyme, the use of hand of hand motion is accompanied by finger movements to mimic various parts of the rhyme, such as the spider climbing, the rain falling and the sun coming out. This is a way for children to actively interact in the classroom, it can also help children practice singing and work on their coordination skills. Many teachers use this nursery rhyme to encourage their students to encourage their students to listen for rhyming words and learn to retell a story by sequencing.
Aside from education, this rhyme has an underlying meaning, this teaches children to keep moving forward and no matter how hard it gets, to never give up. The waterspout symbolizes the goal to achieve, the rain represents obstacles that try to push you back down and the sun coming out is the courage to keep going.
How The Rhyme Has Changed Over Time
In 1947, “Itsy Bitsy” had replaced the original “blooming, bloody” of the 1910 adult version in “Camp and camino in lower California”, to make it child friendly.
Other versions have replaced “crawled” with “climbed” or with “went”.
There is even an alternate version of the rhyme called the “Incy Wincy Spider”, which involves the use of the same hand motions and movements.Facts You May Not Know
• It is said that they rhyme actually depicts the struggle of the lower classes trying to chase the “American Dream”. The spider is the lower class fighting to make its way up in the world. The waterspout represents the unachievable “American Dream” and the rain is the upper class trying to keep the lower class down. After the rain, came the sun. The sun is said to be used to represent the false hope given to the spider that keeps it going, repeatedly trying to make it to the top.
• The poem is known as a finger rhyme activity meant to improve manual dexterity.
• There many translations in many languages and cultures.
• In Germany they use the same melody for their “Spannenlanger Hansel “