Baa Baa Black Sheep Lyrics History


Baa Baa Black Sheep is a really interesting nursery rhyme that you can teach to your kid at any time, and they often learn it in school because the school wants them to be familiar with how all these different rhymes were put together. These very same kids are really interested in learning about what the history is behind the rhyme, and you can teach them a lot when you get to it.

The History

Baa Baa Black Sheep lyrics have raised questions about the history of the rhyme. No one has all the evidence that shows if this nursery rhyme has to do with anything specific. There are some people who have their own ideas about it, but it could go all the way back to a tax on wool that goes all the way back a major tax on wool in England that started in 1275. This wool tax could just be because the black sheep’s will is unique, or it could have to do with farmers who were having a hard time selling wool because of the tax.

The Slave Trade

Some people think that this is tied to the slave trade because slaves were used to pick cotton and shear wool back in the olden days of America. A lot of people have called the rhyme into question because they wanted to be sure that the rhyme was not being used to make fun of anyone or make light of things that are not good for others. It is also important for people to be sure that they have had a long look at the rhyme because it could be offensive to certain kids or people.

The Modern Day

We are left to look at the history of this rhyme while we teach it to kids, and there are many people who are trying to be sure that they have given kids a lot of information about these rhymes. There are some kids who might want to be sure that they know what they are singing, and there are more kids who should be sure that they will have figured out how this goes, and they will notice that this rhyme in particular has a really old song that goes with it.

The Rhyme For Kids

Kids are going to also learn that there is actually a lot of things about these rhymes that will show them history and tradition that is behind them. The history and tradition of these rhymes is fantastic because you can see that the people of the western world have always been trying to reconcile what these rhymes were about. They were protesting taxes on wool, and they moved that rhyme into the modern day to handle the cotton trade and the many other places that people have been asked to work in the trade. It is very easy for someone to have a good time singing this song, and you can get your kids to sing this song at any time. It is perfect for them to be sure that they are singing and learning rhymes.