Benefits of Nursery Rhymes for Kids

Who likes mice? Yuck! And what is the percentage of people who will find a clock to be interesting? I don’t know. But I can let you in on a little secret. Did you know that if you sung a song about mice and clocks that it will develop skill sets in your child? Developing in them the ability to exceed success. Would you like to hear about how this can happen? Have you ever heard of nursery rhyme Hickory Dickory Dock? I know that you have, everyone who is a parent today grew up singing this tip top little tune at lease once. Let’s explore this!
First what is the history of Hickory Dickory Dock?

The history of this nursery rhymes begins its earliest recording in 1744. This construction of the song was found in The Tommy Thumbs Pretty Song Book which was published in London. The next recording of the song can be or could have been found in the Mother Goose Melody. The Mother Goose Melody was recognized in the year of 1765. Conclusions have been drawn that the rhyme is established based off regular life styles of keeping cats around to chase mice up and down what ever was available. Hence the nursery rhymes songs lyrics such as “Hickory Dickory Dock, The Mouse Ran Up The Clock etcetera etcetera.

What skills does this rhyme offer for your child’s advancement?

• Literacy intelligence
• Math intelligence
• Listening intelligence
• Courting intelligence
Sequence intelligence
Imagination development

Your children ages 0-5 can greatly benefit from singing along with nursery rhymes songs like Hickory Dickory Dock. The learning tools packed inside of the cute unique tune will have your child ahead of the curve by the age of 8. They will go through their reading and writing test and assignments with a breeze due to beginning the training during their early years with this great head start song.

What type of Material does Hickory Dickory Dock help Kids age 0-5 Explore?

Children can be introduced to literary styles and devices. This is a dynamic way to get kids to under stand word devices in an effectual way. There is even a place for your itty bitty little baby in the womb to pick up on literary devices such as rhymes. So, take a few moments to sing some nursery rhymes to your precious babies, even in the womb and they will be equipped with exceptional learning head starts. This is a great learning building block because your little baby will one day have to take a test in college on literary devices. If they begin to learn them early on it makes thins clearer to process when experiencing teachers learning styles.

How can you and your children’s teachers utilize this nursery rhyme?

At every age level there are different methods to take and make learning from rhymes fun. First who does not like sing a long’s? Now you can take these sing a long’s and be intentional about creating activities to focus on counting, writing numbers, learning time, and the general understanding of sequence of events. If you take the counting and have an arts and craft session teaching your child to count and write, recognize word and sound then you are well on your way. Give your kid an advantage today!