Category «History»
To Market To Market History
Wee Willie Winkie History
Where Is Thumbkin History

Nursery rhymes are classic and often considered a relevant method to use when teaching kids a variety of things inside and outside of their classroom. Preschool education often starts with learning how to learn colors, how to play, count, learn songs, sing melodies, and even learn how to work together in a round musically. For …
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star History
There Was a Little Girl History
Cackle Cackle Mother Goose History

The history and original term Mother Goose most likely comes from the 1600’s that goes along with the time when there were big witch hunts. People usually come in contact with this rhyme when teaching and entertaining very young kids. An old picture of Mother Goose is an old witch, or crone, that is seen …
Doctor Foster History

The Doctor Foster nursery rhyme has an interesting history. It has a line that rhymes middle with puddle and that makes some believe that the nursery rhyme was written sometime in the 13th century. It was recorded for the first time in 1810 but the version with the words middle and puddle was published in …
The History of Hey Diddle Diddle II

Ever wonder how the nursery rhyme Hey Diddle Diddle started? Wonder what the nursery rhyme means? Or who the characters could be? Nursery rhymes always have a beginning or various stories behind it all. There are many different meanings/origins behind them! People come into contact with this children’s rhyme just like any other nursery rhyme. …
The History of Georgie Porgie

INTRODUCTION Although many people are familiar with the nursery rhyme Georgie Porgie, most are not familiar with its origin, and the truth is there is no definitive answer. Georgie Porgie is believed to be predicated on one of two historical candidates, either George Villiers or King George VI. THE THEORY OF GEORGE VILLERS It was …