Category «Nursery Rhymes»
The Wheels on the Bus in the Classroom
This Little Piggy Learning Benefits
This Little Piggy History
Five Little Monkeys Versions
Funny Rhymes for Kids
Learning rhymes can be so beneficial for early development. Experts in child development have discovered that children who learn rhymes at an early age become excellent readers, writers and spellers. Rhymes are great for kids to learn phonics, volume, pitch, use their imagination, follow sequence, patterns and so much more. It’s a method to educate …
Wheels on the Bus Videos
Nursery Rhymes in Popular Culture
The Questionable Nature of Nursery Rhymes If you think about it, rhymes that have been popular among children and their parents for centuries have pretty ghastly scenarios. There are things like plagues, unbearable taxes, religious persecution, prostitution, animal torture, beheadings, and the list goes on. All of this has been told to countless infants by …
Rhymes with Turtle?
What rhymes with turtle, you have of course often wondered. Rhymes with turtle are tough to come by, but some include hurtle, bertile, fertile and curtal. Rhyming in general can have some powerful early education benefits. The First Idea The first idea should be to teach the kids what basic rhyming sounds like. They learn …
Kids Rhyme Videos
Nursery rhyme videos can be so educative since they tell stories and give a history of post events. Years back, there were no television sets or Internet so people came up with creative ways of passing time and learning and passing information through oral stories. Nursery rhymes were and still are the basics of a …