Category «Other»
Stories for your Friends and Family

These songs give people a lot when it comes to seeing the things that are good about the impact. People really change when they hear something that they can relate to. That’s why media and fiction offers so much to people that haven’t experienced life for themselves. People are sheltered and don’t know what the …
Spectacular Nursery Rhymes Songs
Songs to Sing When You’re Going to School
What to do If a Child Falls

Introduction This article is to help parents and teachers learn about nursery rhymes; in addition it will also help you understand the effects they have on children’s future and present development. There are many situations where a nursery rhyme may come in handy, but today we will be covering how a nursery rhyme can help …
Children Songs to Listen on the Bus

Popular If you’ve ever been at school and on a field trip, or someplace else, chances are someone has taught you the wheels on the bus lyrics. These lyrics are repetitive, memorable and you probably have not forgotten them, ever. You have probably taught these lyrics to your kids as well. Lyrics The wheels on …
Bus Around the World

Once he gained confidence with his newly acquired lithographic trade and having been inspired by Friedrich Frobel’s kindergarten writings, Milton Bradley set up his Springfield, Massachusetts business in 1890 printing his own ideas on educating children through music and art. It was at this time, Bradley was making millions with his board games, yet publishing …
Hello to the World

The song “hello to the world” is a great song for children. The song is saying hello hello hello in about nine different languages. This song is great for children education because they can learn hello hello hello to any person who does not speak these languages. The teacher can learn each child and their …
Playing with Nursery Rhymes
Beep Beep it’s the Bus

Many of our nursery rhymes were made with messages behind them. Those American classics have given us years of joy and laughter. One in particular that we are all familiar with is the “Wheels on the Bus.” Which was written by Verna Hills. This is considered an American folk song and was created during the …