What to do If a Child Falls


This article is to help parents and teachers learn about nursery rhymes; in addition it will also help you understand the effects they have on children’s future and present development. There are many situations where a nursery rhyme may come in handy, but today we will be covering how a nursery rhyme can help a child who has fallen down.

Nursery Rhyme Information

The nursery rhyme we will be covering is “humpty dumpty“. The nursery rhyme is well known throughout the world and is very easy to memorize; it was made famous in 1810 by Lewis Caroll, in their book ‘Alice Through the Looking Glass‘.

How Does this Help Children

Nursery rhymes are important for young developing children from the ages of a few months old to 5 years of age. For these children nursery rhymes are essential building blocks for story telling. These rhymes are very simple, easy to understand, and easy to memorize. In a classroom setting nursery rhymes can be an excellent way for children to feel involved and connect with other children, and form a sense of community or belonging. At home nursery rhymes can, of course, be used to soothe your child to sleep; but they can also help engage your child’s language and reading skills. As mentioned earlier nursery rhymes are, additionally, a great way to improve and practice memory.

What If My child Falls?

I mentioned how nursery rhymes can help a child who has fallen. Of course, if your child or student has fallen, you want to check for any scrapes and give them proper medical attention. However, sometimes the sight of blood can be very alarming for a child and cause them to panic, and if you want to help the child in pain as easily as possible it’s best to redirect their attention elsewhere.

You may need to apply a disinfectant or sanitize the area; this can add to the pain they’re already experiencing. If you want to distract them, calm them, and make helping them easier all at once then a nursery rhyme is an excellent way to detour their attention. Just tell your child or student “we’re going to sing a song, are you ready? It will help the pain go away.”, and then actively engage them in singing with you. You’ve successfully distracted them long enough for you to get to work applying antibiotic cream or sanitizing the area; from there it’s easy as can be!


There are many ways nursery rhymes are able to help children from home to the classroom. I’m glad I was able to give you the information you will definitely need; children can be rambunctious! I hope you and your child(ren) make great memories with these nursery rhymes and they are able to help you as they’ve helped many others. Thank you for taking the time to read through this informational article, and I hope you found some of the advice here helpful. Good luck with your humpty dumpty.