Connection with Mom & Baby

Fun Bonding Activity

Do you and your baby love to play together? It may be fun and a great way to bond, but there are plenty of benefits involved in the healthy development of your infant. I’m going to be talking about the usefulness of singing the peek a boo lyrics and interacting with your baby. Below I’ll be going into details about the value of this popular nursery rhyme: peekaboo.

Peekaboo Origins

According to the Merriam-Webster, the word “peekaboo” originated in the United Kingdom in the late 16th century. Wow! This popular nursery rhyme has been an exciting game for parents and their babies for centuries. It’s unknown the reasoning behind the creation of this rhyme, but scientists say it helps babies understand object permanence.

What’s so Important About Peekaboo?

There are a lot of fun ways to play with your baby that can be educational at the same time. Peekaboo is a great game for babies and toddlers up to 24 months, which then turns into an exciting activity of hide-and-seek.

It may seem like just a fun activity to make your baby smile, and something easy to do with them. However, did you know you’re creating life skills that will carry them well into adulthood?

Important Skills Children Will Gain

You want your baby to get the most from every experience, and this includes activities. Good news! This game can teach your little one social skills. An infant can make eye contact which will help them later on in the workplace. They will see you cover your eyes it will help with their motor skills and visual development which is suitable for their growing brain. A toddler can anticipate your next move, enhancing their prediction skills. When you put your hands over your eyes and say peekaboo, they expect you to uncover them and say, “There you are.” A toddler might laugh and say, “again” and starts the whole process over again. A small child can recognize taking turns. After they say, “again” they can begin to play peekaboo, and then you, and so forth.

Further Exploration

It’s a good idea to switch up the language when talking to your child. Instead of saying “peekaboo” try “where am I.” This will help them learn new words, and they might imitate you by saying “boo.” They will start learning new words and become more curious about language.
Curiosity is a great tool for children’s imagination. Once they start imagining, they can explore different situations with various outcomes.


Parents and Teachers can facilitate social and communication skills. Peekaboo is a great way to practice back and forth conversation and interaction. They will learn to take turns and say words. They will also maintain eye contact and have a good time while learning social skills.


As you learned from the information above Peekaboo is much more than an ordinary game to play with your infant. It’s an educational game that will further their skills causing them to explore and learn to promote healthy development.