Counting Monkeys

The five little monkeys is a song that you may use in class to teach counting, but it may also be used to teach lessons upon lesson with your kids. You may teach them every subject that you like with this song, and you may use the song when you want the children to be excited by the song and the music that you are using. You want them to be more interested in the units you are teaching, and you must show them how to this relates to the work that you are doing in class. You may begin or end the class with this song, and you will find that you may use the song when you want the children to be entertained.

#1: How Do You Begin Class?

You may begin class with this song every day, and you may use the songs that you planned for the units when the children enter the class. It is quite simple for you to ensure that you may use the songs in class, and you may share the songs with the kids as they go through the class. You may tell them which songs are coming up next, and you may ask them what they want to hear as it pertains to the units you are teaching. The children get excited by these prospects, and they have more fun in class as a result.

#2: Moving From One Subject To Another

This particular song will work in many areas such as math, writing, and science. You may teach the children geography with this song, and you will find that they may learn which monkeys are in the song and where they came from. You may teach them about how monkeys behave, and you may teach them about how the math is counted in the song. You may use the song when you are teaching the children to read and write, and you will find that they are much happier with the units you teach because they have a song they may relate to. You may show them the words on a screen, and they will learn how to read and write those words based on what you have shown them.

#3: Singing and Dancing

You may sing and dance to this song if you like, and you will find that there are many kids who need to get their energy out by signing and dancing along. You may use this song at the end of the day to ensure that the children will use their energy, and they will help you ensure that you have given them something exciting that they will remember. There are quite a few kids who will need this energy boost at the end of the time, and you will find that you have a number of kids who simply love to hear the music as they leave. This form of consistency will make your class much easier to teach as you go through your lessons.