Finger Family Variations

Finger puppets

The Finger Family song is a wonderful thing to use in your classes, and you must ensure that you have looked through the many versions of the song that are online. There are several different ways to teach the class based on the words of the song, and you will find that each part of the song teaches the kids something special. They may be taken through many lessons that allow you to teach every subject, and they ensure that you are teaching them a number of things and not just one.

#1: What Is The Song About?

The original song has the mommy and daddy finger going through life as the family, and the song progresses through the children and perhaps pets. You will find that the children respond to this song well because it is so catchy. They may watch the video that you have found, and the song for kids will expand over time as you find many different things that are mention in different songs of the same style. Ensure that you have looked through each song styling to ensure that you have found all the things you need.

#2: Why Use Songs For Kids?

You must use these songs because the children love singing, and they will get engrossed in the song no matter how much you have sung it. The purpose of the song is to expose the children to different concepts and themes, and that is where the variations of the song come into play. You will be quite interested in how the songs turn out because the children may see songs that have ice cream, pets, and a number of other characters.

#3: The History Of The Song

This song came along online where it was set up as a video that simply has all the members of this family of fingers in one shot. They are added to the song because of how it is sung, and you eventually see the screen covered with these members of the finger family. You will be quite happy with the song because it may be topical or simply seasonal. You may use the ice cream variation when it is hot outside, and you may go through other styles depending on the season.

#4: Watch Online

These are some of the most popular kids videos online, and there are many people who will use the videos to help keep their class occupied. You may like this because the kids may sing along while you set up for the next part of the class. You may go so far as to use the video as a treat, and it may be something that you sing with the kids at the end of the day or at the end of a long lesson. You will find yourself singing along, and you will be quite happy to use this song because it has more versions than you could ever count:

Finger Family

La Familia Dedo en EspaƱol

Lollipop Finger Family

Medical Finger Family