How to Clap Your Hands

Clapping Makes Children Feel Great
It is essential to teach children about life and all the fun that you can have growing up. Music plays a major role in helping children find their own foundation. There are hundreds of nursery rhymes that contribute to improving movements and coordination in children. First of all, in order for children to learn rhythm, the easiest lesson to teach them is how to clap. Teachers can improvise by encouraging them and saying, “clap your hands,” while the nursery rhyme is playing. The most popular children’s song that motivates them to clap their hands is titled, “If You’re Happy and You Know It!”

The History Of The Happy Song For Children
This song is not on the nursery rhyme list of the 1800s. In fact, it was first published in 1971 by Jonico Music. The company filed for one of their employees by the name of Joe Raposo. The song started off as a song to get people motivated in worship services. Raposo soon realized that the song was more than for that arranged setting. It was to be used as an inspiration to all children. The significant part about the song is that lyrics can be added as you sing-along. Soon after, the popular song was taught to adults that taught children in school. Raposo quickly learned that the song was a major hit with children. The song was written to teach children about the happy things in life.

Happy Movements Are A Part Of The Song
The song has lyrics that remind you to clap, stomp, walk, and run. The idea is to keep children happy and actively entertained while working on their muscle memory. When the song is played again, the body will remember how to move. Once children have heard the song quite a few times, it is not surprising to see them add more movements due to the excitement in the classroom. Once the song is over, children usually request it to be played again.

Fostering Education Through Playing The Children’s Happy Song
After the song helps to teach rhythm and fine gross skills, it assists in developing a sense of curiosity about how their body functions. It’s easier to teach children about science, biology, and chemistry because of the foundation of the song having those topics. There are questions that may have to be researched. For instance, The science behind children smiling is due to chemical releases in their brains. Parents will continue answering questions that the children may have in the future pertaining to one of those subjects, however, an introduction to the library may be necessary.

The Children’s Happy Song Conclusion
By listening to nursery rhymes, parents will be amazed at the learning speed that takes place in children. It’s important to keep those songs playing to help build vocabulary. The results will be phenomenal as children embark on learning more subjects throughout their lives.