Kid’s Tunes


Why are nursery rhymes that are put to song so popular?
Many kids songs lyrics contain educational and repetitive verses that also incorporate activity to the popular tunes. These songs are easy for children to remember and are often sung to children as young as babies. Popular play groups, nursery schools, daycares, preschools and kindergartens will all incorporate rhyming songs to teach children basics.

What are some popular children’s nursery rhymes?
Some very popular children’s nursery rhymes include, baa baa black sheep, twinkle twinkle little star, mary had a little lamb, and the wheels on the bus. These songs are typically passed down through the generations and many have originated from over a century ago. These popular and vintage nursery rhymes help teach children about colors, numbers, space, time, actions and shapes.

How do nursery rhymes benefit children?
The repetitive tune that accompanies the rhyme makes memorizing and learning simple. In the nursery rhyme “The wheels on the bus” children are able to sing a catchy song that teaches them about cause and effect as well as transportation. The children will begin to understand that the people on the bus go up and down and can mimic the actions while singing it to understand what up and down is. Verna Hill wrote The Wheels on the Bus in 1939 and it is a popular American folk song that is also sung in Canada and Australia. Mary Had A Little Lamb is another popular nursery rhyme that teaches children about cause and effect. They learn that the lamb causes the children to laugh and play but children will also discover this action is against the rules. This popular nursery rhyme was written in New Hampshire by Sarah Josephina Hale in the late 1700’s and has remained a classic and favorite children’s rhyme. Mary Had a Little Lamb is popular in the United States, Canada and Australia.

Do adaptations change for nursery rhymes?
Many original nursery rhymes have remained the same now as they were originally written. Music is calming or upbeat and very catchy and easy to remember. Some translations may have been made for nursery rhymes that were from France or other countries that utilize different languages. Whenever a translation is made the lyrics don’t always translate over exactly but they still are understandable and educational.

How can children learn popular nursery rhymes?
There are many ways that children can listen to and learn from nursery rhymes. One of the most popular ways is at school. Many preschools, kindergartens, day cares and schools will incorporate nursery rhymes. Another way for children to learn nursery rhymes is for their parents or family members to teach them the songs and rhymes. There are many books that can be purchased that contain large collections of popular rhymes. Libraries, churches and recreation centers often feature baby, toddler and youth classes that focus around music and nursery rhymes. Mother goose nursery rhymes are some of the most loved and popular rhymes and children can listen to them online and through cd’s and dvd’s.