Night Time Story Time

Night Time Story Time Rhymes:

Through out the years, the idea of reading or singing a lullaby to a child before they go to sleep has become increasingly more common. Through out the years, there has also been research done that has concluded that this has had a positive impact on the children that have experienced this. Research has concluded that singing a lullaby or telling a bed time story to a child before bed can actually increase their brain development and help them be able to develop their brain functions to their best potential. Interacting with a young child verbally can help them develop their language and communication skills and help them be able to express their emotions at a young age. Rhyme books have helped parents be able to develop a new bond with their children and be able to help them grow and help speed their brain development.

Where Did Nursery Rhyme Books Start:

Through out the years, rhyme books have been very popular. They go back pretty far back in time and have been able to be passed down through generations. Some of these night tine rhymes have gone back way before many of us were born. Some of their origins date back to the early 1900s, and have since been able to be passed down.

Research That Has Been Done:

In a research that was done, the researchers were able to conclude that there was a positive impact on children that have been read to or sung to. Their brain development is advanced in comparison to those children who have lacked this in their lives. The children who were read to or who had nigh time rhyme books read to them or sung to them have shown that their reading and their writing skills are beyond grade level. Educators have been trying to be able to help out students that are below grade level increase their reading and writing skills and one thing that researchers proposed doing is reading to children at least 2-3 weeks. As soon as parents and educators were able to do this to the children below grade level, those children’s results were able to increase and reach grade level quickly. Nigh time rhyme books have been able to help put may children grow and rewire their brain in a positive way. They have helped children be able to start using their critical thinking skills because night time rhymes allow children to be able to wonder what will happen next in the rhyme or the story. The results of reading nursery rhyme books to children at a young age is very beneficial and has shown to be effective. Researchers encourage parents to read to their children and sing to them as well. Children who experience this are great readers and writers and are more easily able to succeed in their education journey.