Old MacDonald Had a Farm Characters


Old MacDonald Had A Farm video has a multitude of characters, and the children in your classes who sing these songs ensure that they have sung each of the pets before they come to the end. You may pull your children through the song in the most wonderful way, and they will become fascinated with the way the song works. They want to have a farm that has all these lovely friends, and you may notice that children sing about different animals depending on how they grew up. The song has developed quite a lot over the years, and it will reflect what you prefer to teach your children.

#1: What Are The Animals?

Old MacDonald has a theme that includes all the pets you may ever find on a farm. The sing has quite a lot of information, and you may send the kids through the song based on what you believe they should sing. Each of the lists below covers different sets of pets you may wish to include: cow, pig, duck, horse, sheep, chicken

You may teach your children about the sounds all the pets make when they begin, and the kids sing the sounds just as they would any other words in the song. The dog goes woof, the horse goes nay, the mule goes bray, the cat goes meow, and the mouse goes squeak. You may have to assign sounds to other pets if you wish to add them to the song, and your children may wish to add other pets as they see fit. A child who wishes to add something such as a snake may ask that it make the hissing sound, and this may be a fun project for the children to take on.

#2: Why Are The Sounds Included?

The song was published in 1917 at a time when teachers had no resources for their classes. These sounds were included because the children in the school building needed to learn these sounds. They may not have any experience with these pets, and they died not have a place to look up such things. The recording cylinder was very young, and there was no Internet to use. This brought about the invention of the onomatopoeia because children were learning sounds that were translated into words. This has been a constant in human history, but the children were learning this concept earlier than ever before.

#3: Lengthen The Song With Your Children

You have every freedom to lengthen the song and build a version that is all your own. Your children in every class may add more and more friends to the song, and they will build a song that may be quite long when your career is over. Your children may do the same at home, and you will have a lovely time learning about the pets, their sounds, and teaching children to sing with glee.