Open Shot Them in the Classroom

Interaction with small children is a great way to benefit their motor skills. One of the best ways to create a positive interaction is through the use of song and play. There are many different songs that encourage play; however, a great song is called “Open Shut Them”. This song creates great interaction through a simple and easy to understand method that encourages the tactile sense.

The song entitled “Open Shut Them” has many different versions. It is considered a traditional nursery rhyme that has changed over time. It has molded and changed throughout generations. All of the versions remain in tact and it is a matter of opinion to which version you choose. These nursery rhymes are sung in all sorts of fashions and molded to the common generation to create learning experiences.

This song is used in many ways. Parents and educators can develop confidence in knowing that children are learning through a method of play. In the classroom, teachers can keep children entertained through music while teaching them tactile play. This song teaches children where certain parts of their body are. Music is a great method to reinforce learning and by pairing the two together, concentration and fine motor skills develop. Even when children are too small to interact with the song, the musical capacity of this song can keep them entertained.

This song can create great learning experience. Teaching a small child this song can help them create confidence. Many of the words of this song use simple vocabulary so that small children can learn. It teaches them the simplicity and basics of music. The words of this song also have many rhyming words. Without knowing it, small children are learning the words of this song and singing those words. The rhyming words at the end of each of the phrases are ingrained into the brain. This makes the concept of rhyming easier to understand when they are taught it. Although this song s simple, logic and spacial relationships can be developed through the singing or playing of it. Teaching a small child the placement of main body parts helps them to maneuver throughout their space. Logic of the spacial relationships comes right along with the song.

This simple traditional nursery rhyme that is taught to small children at a young age has a lot of unseen educational value. Not only is it teaching children motor skills and spacial relationships, it is also fostering their joy for music and helping them subconsciously learn beginning skills that will be needed later in life. This song is a great opportunity to use in the classroom as well as any educational or home setting. Small children ages 0-5 are the most impressionable and this is a great time to help with the development of their brains.