How to Prepare your Child for School

When to Start Preparing Children for School?
Ever wonder how successful parents do it? How do they end up with children well-adjusted and able to get good grades year after year? Preparing children to enter school starts in infancy. Really, even before infancy, many mothers and fathers sing and talk to their babies while they are in the womb. Think about it, you only have 5 years before your child is required to attend school. That time goes by so quickly. It is imperative to start immediately if you want your child to have the best start in life.

How to Prepare Your Child for School
Some may wonder how could singing and talking to an unborn infant be beneficial? Singing and talking to an unborn infant or young child begins to build their language skills and cognitive development. These complex skills are the building blocks of reading and writing. Also, aiding them in the ability to understand concepts and judge differences and similarities. It’s never too young to begin the process of getting your child’s wheels turning.

Nursery Rhymes Builds Motor Skills
Building Muscle Tone
That may sound like an outrageous statement but thinking about this. As your infant listens and watches nursery rhymes. They begin to recognize words and put complex sentences together. The fun of playing is too much for them to resist. Before your infant can walk or crawl they will have the desire to join in the fun and games. These rhymes are an enjoyable way to motivate your infant to want to crawl and move. This activity builds your infant’s major muscles in the legs, arms, and back. This activity alone is stepping stone a to further athletic ability. Along with building muscle tone this along developes coordination skills.

Social Skills
As your child is able to stand, walk and run, they are gaining independence. Learning on their own how to perform simple tasks. Games such as the English rhyme called “Mulberry Bush” involve clapping, singing, skipping and hopping with other children. Your infant learns vital lifelong lessons. How to get along with others. How to listen and obey rules. Adjusting to different personalities outside of the family unit. These skills are so important in a classroom setting.

Preparing your Child for School-Where?
There is probably paid services out there that would work with your child and prepare them for the outside world. But, truly the best suited people to get your child ready for the world is the family unit. The love and attention that the child is shown in the family home can prepare them more than anyone could measure. Life is so rush, rush and our greatest asset, our children, can be set aside or overlooked. Starting at infancy to develop your child’s social, motor, language, thinking ability, communication and emotional stability will be the greatest gift you could ever impart to your precious new member of the family.