How to Sing the Finger Family Song

Do you work with younger children or do you have children yourself!? If so, the odds are that you probably know a lot of Children songs without probably even realizing it. When one becomes involved with younger children constantly like for example becoming a new parent, a teacher, even a pediatrician or a care taker of smaller children. In these particular jobs doesn’t really matter which one you choose to get involved with, you are bound to be around younger children especially nursery rhymes or otherwise known as children songs. Most nursey rhymes have been around for over a decade, and they will continue to be. The fact of the matter is that rhymes have been proven to show how much they benefit children development in a tremendous amount of ways.

These days there are so many polular rhymes for example, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, or Old McDonald Have a Farm, even Humpty Dumpty, and the list goes on to so many more. However recently in the 20th century there have been a couple of news ones like Johnny Johnny yes papa, and one of the most popular nowadays the Finger Family Song. This new rhyme sometimes known as the Finger Family song or even just simply as the Daddy Finger song was uploaded on the internet, well specifically on YouTube on May 25, 2017 by Leehosookand an asian internet phenomenon. It became so popular it was actually later released by ChuChu TV a children TV station on 2016, and has ever since managed to captivate the attention of every little kid around the world. If you go ahead and search for the finger family song on YouTube there is now an endless different kinds of videos of it from, color videos of this song, to hand drawing character videos, and even animal versions of the finger family song.

With the phenomenon of the internet the Finger Family song has managed to open the minds to these particular parents, caretakers, etc. The finger family song its a rhyme which allow children from babies to preschoolers to express and learn in a different way. For example younger kids use songs to be able to play which lead them to things like repeatition which potentially allows them to open their minds to things like writing and even reading. Another things rhymes helps kids do is by playing prentend, for example by pretending it lets children imagine the ultimate possibility they could pretend to be anything from being a doctor, or a police officer, a teacher, etc. In general most kids just follow anything adults do, so by listening to rhymes like this one anything is possible. Also in babies for example they do finger play which allows babies to use their own hand coordinations to engage in activities and graps their own interest to different things. If you are a parent go ahead and let you child engage in rhymes especially this one so you can help tremendously with their development.