Songs about Monkeys for Kids

Songs about monkeys for kids are undoubtedly among the most popular fun songs for high-energy interactive play time. Songs about monkeys for kids are also a good choice for teaching children about monkeys and other wild animals. Singing along to these songs will give your kids a great enthusiasm for life during their leisure time, make them smarter and give them a fresher breath.

The top songs about monkeys for kids are:

• five little monkeys jumping on a bed

• monkey with a coconut

• monkeys in a tree

The five little monkeys jumping on a bed song

The five little monkeys songs is a young’s children counting song. It begins with the count of five monkeys in the first verse that is reduced by one in each consequent verse. The reduction in the number of monkeys goes on until the last monkey has succumbed to the fate of falling and bumped his head. While there is an alternative version of the song with different lyrics. The only difference in the alternative version is that the lyrics in the first line refer to one monkey instead of five monkeys.

The monkey with a coconut song

This song is an interactive song for kids about trickery. The song is about a monkey sitting in a tree with a coconut and a boy who pleads with him to get a coconut for him too. The monkey asks the boy to perform several actions including, clapping, stomping, and jumping so he can get him a coconut. Unaware of the trickery, the boy does as the monkey asks, but his efforts are all in vain. The monkey does not live up to his promise to get him a coconut after he does what the monkey asked of him. At the end, the boy learns of the monkey’s dishonesty and trickery and makes his mind to leave. However, the monkey still attempts to trick him again by daring him to do as he asks once more.

The lyrics of the song have remained unchanged since it was produced. Nonetheless, it is a popular kids song and its spirited mood is definitely going to win over your kids and get them excited about music and learning about monkeys.

The monkeys in a tree song

This song is simply a counting song for kids; and for each verse, the number of monkeys is lowered by one. The number of monkeys is repeatedly lowered in each verse until all the monkeys have suffered the fate of being eaten by mister alligator. It is a fun song to sing along to while mimicking the lyrics of the song to portray the predator actions of mister alligator.

While there are several variations of the original lyrics of the song, they only alter the first line that does not have a significant change in the meaning of the song.