Surprise Activities for Children

Surprise your Children
What an novel idea. Surprising your child with something they find totally unexpected. What are some ways parents could surprise their child?

Surprise your Children-Ideas
An awesome suggestion for surprising a child is a play date. A day full of hanging out with their best buds is a winner but organizing the activities will turn the play date into an opportunity also to teach. Nursery rhyme are a fun way to play and to teach a group of children. Teaching children to rhyme set their little brains into learning mode.

Nursery Rhyme – Suggestions
“Pop Goes the Weasel” is an English rhyme with origins back in 1853. The song/game started off as an instrumental and the pop goes the weasel lyrics came along later. There are several versions to the song but it usually accompanies singing and dancing around in a circle, as each child take turns pretending to be the weasel. Being the weasel involves hiding and popping up from the hiding spot on que with the rhyme. Or, a “jack in the box” toy could be substituted as the weasel.

Learning from Rhymes
What could pop goes the weasel lyrics teach children or infants?

Social skills-Children will want to be part of the fun. This will encourage them to socialize with others. They will learn to listen to the song so that they can play their part on que. As your infant progresses to school age learning to assimilate with classmates, listen to the teacher, ability to control their own behavior, cooperating with others, following rules are constructive social skills that will contribute to positive behavior in the future.

Building Linguistic Ability– Nursery rhymes teach children to pronounce difficult and rhyming words. Eventually, they will learn to understand the humor or the game of the song. Moreover, rhymes promote recognition of speech patterns and correct pronunciation.

Building Gross Motor Skills– Gross motor skills refer to your child’s ability to move large muscle of their body. Such as being able to crawl, walk and run. As baby learns to dance, sing and pop around in time to the song, they are building their muscle tone and motor skills. Even the crawling stage is an important developmental activity. As your baby, moves back and forth they are building strength in major muscles. Also, developing stronger wrist and arms muscles. Aiding your child in developing these gross motor skills is a foundation enabling them to participate in sports and other activities later in life.

The Benefits of Nursery Rhymes
Social, linguistic and gross motor skills are just the tip of the ice burg of benefits from nursery rhymes. Basically, you are laying a foundation for the future of your child regardless of what you do. Many parents feel are just too busy to take the time but it’s imperative to invest time into your infant or child’s future.