The Magic of Rhymes

Nursery Rhymes For Kids
Nursery rhymes are dated back from the late eighteenth century, they have been around forever and are still popular to this day. Nursery songs are being used at homes across the world, and at schools all over the world. There are so many nursery songs out there for young children, that there are many to choose from. These songs play a huge role in the development of a young child, they are mainly sung to infants and toddlers. Children that are in preschool, also learn these songs as part of their curriculum.

The Benefits of Nursery Songs
These songs are vital to the young developing mind, and they play a huge part in language skills as well. These songs are made to be short, sweet, and fun, the lyrics of them are usually very short, so that a young mind can process and learn all the words easily. Nursery songs all mainly teach a small lesson, and can also take part in the social skill area of a young mind. Most of these songs are so popular and common, that adults don’t even have to think about them while singing, the words just flow easily off their tongues. All young children are bound to hear a nursery song in their life, and they will know it by heart before reaching kindergarten.

The Magic Of Nursery Songs
The magic of these songs come in the children’s mind and can teach them to have an imagination, and be imaginative in seeing these nursery characters in their mind. These songs make childhoods much more pleasant, and they all have a small moral to their short songs. Children start learning at a very young age, and their brains develop most at these young ages. Nursery songs help in the formation of the brain, and teaches young minds about everyday lessons. Some examples of these, are teaching kids to not lie, learning their alphabet( which is crucial in learning how to read and write), teaching them how to do physical movements like: clapping their hands and stomping their feet, or jumping. These songs are even recommended by doctors, around the world for parents to start singing to infants, so they can learn the concept of speech. Many children can relate to some of these songs, and they end up copying what they hear, they learn to start pretending. These are all key factors in the development of these young children.

Building A Tradition
Nursery songs are part of tradition in many ways, for instance these songs are so old, that every generation brings it down to the next generation. A mother hears a song, and she sings it to her child, and then that child sings it to her child, and the chain goes on. These songs are a part of many traditions, and each song, is truly magical in their own way.