The Wheels on the Bus Nursery Rhymes


The Wheels on the bus with lyrics was written in 1939 by Verna Hills, and she made the song relevant for all kids because we use the bus even now. You need not worry about your kids relating to this song because they know the wheels on the bus. The kids will want to know how the song goes, and they will want to learn the rhymes. There is a magical quality to a rhyming song because it teaches kids how to make their own music and poems. They will learn the concept quickly, and they will be quite happy to use the rhymes in their everyday speech.

#1: How Does The Song Go?

The origin of nursery rhymes is very interesting because Verna Hills picked up where people left off in the 18th and 19th century making these sorts of rhymes. The children will believe that this song is no different form the older rhyme they know, but it is much newer. This is a modern rhyme that many of your grandparents were alive for. Some of these people actually heard the song new in their classes as children, and it has been in print ever since it was written. It has become popular because there are many videos and versions of the song that you will enjoy, and you may take a number of liberties with the song if you like.

#2: The Lyrics

The words in the song are interesting because they work today. The bus is not any different from what it once was, and you will find that you may create something that is much like the rhyme if you like. There are many kids who will want to write their won words, and they will show you how they have changed the song. This is a creative outlet for your kids that is quite important, and it allows you to teach poetry and songwriting at the same time.

#3: Where Do You Sing It?

You may sing this rhyme any place you like, and you will find that your children want to sing it even if they are not on the bus. They will sing it in the car, and they will wish to sing it in class. You may act out a whole play with the hand motion that comes with the song, and you will feel quite accomplished because you have taught the Holden how to create a play of the song. The song is quite interesting because you may have chidlren play the different parts in the song, and you may add cars and other trucks if you like. The song becomes a teleplay that you will use to take up much of your class, and you can set up your class to work around this song for weeks at a time. You taught rhyming to start, but you will continue to use the song in a number of ways to make the class more creative and inventive. Everyone will enjoy coming to your class.