Wheels on the Bus Color Songs


The Wheels on the Bus is said to first have been an American folk song written by Verna Hills. The song was said to be written around 1939. It is said that it was based on the song “Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush” and other nursery rhymes. The song is very popular in the United States and other countries. The song is usually song while the children are on bus rides. Over the years there have been many variations of the song. The meaning of the song is said to be about moving on in your life and achieving your goals.

A popular variant of Wheels on the Bus involves color themes for kids who are learning their different colors. Red, blue, green, white, black, pink, etc. Instead of saying the wheels go round and round; the song may go: the wheel on the bus are red red red….

YouTube has various versions of this rhyme:

Rainbow Wheels on the Bus

Wheels on the Bus Colorful Surprise Eggs

Wheels on the Bus Red

Wheels on the Bus Color Crew

There are many variations of the song. All the songs start with the wheels on the bus and then;
1. Librarians on the bus go shh, shh, shh,
2. Mummy and daddy on the bus says, I love you,
3. Grannies on the bus knit, knit, knit,
4. Money on the bus goes clink, clink, clink,
5. Friends on the bus say, how are you?
These are just a few of them. You can add more to the song if you like. The best thing about this song is that you can add your own unique verses.

1. Trip to the Zoo
2. Spooky Wheels
3. School Bus
These books are by different authors.
1. There are board books
2. Books that have movable parts
3. Books that include a CD

1. Board game
2. Song board game
3. Traffic light poem
4. Sing-a-long Poster

There are also different activities and versions for the nursery rhyme:
1. Coloring Pages
2. Sheet Music

Most of us as parents knows a lot of nursery rhymes, especially Mother Goose. It was a lot of fun researching this rhyme. I cannot get the song out of my head now! Parents, if you are teaching your children how to color using this song, you will have lots of choices. Take out your computer and google the song or rhyme, and you will be amazed at all the different versions that appear. Have fun!