Play dough with Friends

The playdough video that you use in your class will help your children learn how to create large structures, and they may make a building that is made completely from their own minds. There are many kids who will fall in love with the dough because you have chosen something that you know they will …
Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round Song

When you are teaching your child basic fundamentals of life and how to learn different movements and meanings of songs as well as the world around them Nursery Rhymes are a fantastic means to do these things. Nursery Rhymes are there to help your child learn how to use their imagination, to learn how to …
Climbing Spider
Humpty Dumpty and The Canon

Singing Humpty Dumpty in a canon in class is quite simple when you are training your class about music and history. The humpty dumpty lyrics give you an insight into how the world works, and they song will help your children learn how to think about world leaders and people in power. The song begins …
Alphabet Songs for Kindergarten
Building a Child’s Creativity

The Origin of Nursery Rhymes Nursery rhymes date way back to the middle of the 16th century. However, the more popular nursery rhymes didn’t take shape and form until the 17th and 18th centuries. In London of 1780, the term Mother Goose was first inducted into nursery rhymes, when John Newbery’s stepson, Thomas Carnan, published …
Stars in the Sky

You will find that there are many songs you may use that include the night sky, and you will start with something as simple as the twinkle twinkle little star lyrics that you already know. The children in your class likely know this song, and they must be given ample opportunity to learn about the …
Field Trip on the Bus
Popular Kids Songs

Why Rhyme? Children have a variety of ways to learn, and one of the most effective is through song. kids video songs, lullabies, and nursery rhymes are helpful tools in learning patterns, language, and speech. Many parents teach songs to children early to begin their path of education while still being fun. History of All …