Category «Lessons»
Tongue Twister Competition
How to Properly Greet Someone

How to Properly Greet someone: Approach the person or individual you wish to greet with a positive smile and confident walk as you approach them. Simply ignite the Greeting by Saying Hello or Hi so that you grab the attention of the individual you wish to meet. Obtain and keep eye contact through the greeting …
Learning Salutations

Ni Hao ni hao ni hao (hello hello hello!)! Learning Salutations For Children is an important skill for their future. When you think of your child’s ability to interact and socialize with other children of all different cultures you might not think of teaching them a different language, so I’m here to tell you about …
The Deeper Meaning of Nursery Rhymes

Happy Childhood Memories The happy laughter of children playing patty cake. We would sing, “Baker’s Man” and “Miss Mary Mack”. When we tired of that we would hold hands and walk in a circle and sing, “Ring Around the Rosie”. Just thinking back to those days long gone days still brings a smile to my …
Nursery Rhymes used for Education

If you’re exploring education ideas for your child under 5, don’t underestimate nursery rhymes! It is a fact that music helps memory! Pair that with a melody that rhymes and your child is all set! Nursery rhymes help develop your child’s attention span, language skills, socializing, vocabulary, and so much more! Here are 4 educational …
How to Babysit Children
Teaching Toddlers Hello Hello Hello
Lessons of Hello Hello Hello

About Lessons of Hello Hello Hello Nursery Rhymes It is most commonly noted that these lessons were written for a play group/ music class created on August 5th, 2015 by a blogging community of teachers and librarians. Their mission was to begin and end every session with the children properly with high positive energy. There …