History of Rhymes inspired by buses
The word rhyme means correspondence of sounds at the ends of words or phrases, especially when involving the last stressed vowel and all succeeding sounds in each of two or more such words or phrases. Words like cat and hat or kid and did are rhyming words. A word that rhymes with bus is Gus. It has been proven in history that rhyming and singing can stimulate the brain into remembering or even memorizing songs and poems.
A Nursery Rhyme that was inspired by a bus is
The Wheels on the Bus was written by Verna Hills in 1939. It is theorized that at one point she was on a bus containing multiple young children who were getting restless and crying. She came up with the rhyme to help them calm down. As well as keeping them amused and entertained.
A Nursery Rhyme that was inspired by a bus is
The Wheels on the Bus was written by Verna Hills in 1939. It is theorized that at one point she was on a bus containing multiple young children who were getting restless and crying. She came up with the rhyme to help them calm down. As well as keeping them amused and entertained.
The Meaning behind the lyrics
The meaning behind the lyrics too are self explanatory, for the majority of this nursery rhyme. Such verses as “the doors on the bus go open and shut, open and shut, open and shut” or “the people on the bus go up and down, up and down, up and down.” They are describing some of the things one might see or feel on a bus. Others verses describe the what it might sound like on the bus “the horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep” would be one. The characters in this nursery rhyme can be passengers on the bus, you can personalize them or make them up. If there was a baby on the bus you might say “the baby on the bus goes waaaaah, waahh, waah” or if there was a mother on the bus you might be singing “the mommy on the bus goes shhh, shhh, shh.” There is even a verse where you can sing about the driver that goes “the driver on the bus says move on back, move on back, move on back.” The repetition and fun beat make this nursery rhyme very popular.
If you wanted to know where you could come in contact with this song
You would probably hear this rhyme will on a bus with young children. If you were to attend a school trip that takes a bus somewhere you are pretty sure to come in contact with The Wheels on the Bus. If you spend any time in a daycare center or an early childhood learning facility you are most likely going to hear it.
If you wanted to know where you could come in contact with this song
You would probably hear this rhyme will on a bus with young children. If you were to attend a school trip that takes a bus somewhere you are pretty sure to come in contact with The Wheels on the Bus. If you spend any time in a daycare center or an early childhood learning facility you are most likely going to hear it.
Another nursery rhyme inspired by a bus would be Ten Little Buses. This is sung to the tune of Ten Little Indians. It is not a popular but has a great tune, and children seem to enjoy the bus references. It is also a great way to teach your young child colors and counting. Nursery rhymes inspired by buses are a great way to entertain your young ones.